Monday, September 28, 2015

Exercise 1: Metadata Sandbox Terrain Survey

Katie Lueth
Peter Sawall
Zach Nemeth

Exercise: Resampling the initial survey terrain.

Purpose: To resample and improve our initial survey techniques. and analyze the effectiveness of various interpolation methods.

Location: Beneath the campus pedestrian bridge on the Water Street end near the Haas Fine Arts Building. Survey was conducted on the upper edge of the river floodplain near the seasonal high water line within an area surrounded by Salix bebbinia shrubs. Location was chosen based on sand availability, distance from other surveys, and distance from bridge 'drip zone.'

Collection Date:
Initial Survey: Tuesday Sept 15 3:00pm-4:00pm
Survey Visitation: Wednesday Sept 23 8:00am-9:00am

Collection Methods: Buried and leveled frame within sand. Framed marked with 5cm and 10cm increments. Measuring stick laid across frame while another measuring stick was utilized to measure height distance of sand features. Data was collected in an Excel sheet using portable tablet and laptop.

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